Thursday 18 November 2021

Term 4 Week 5 Thursday Math

 On Thursday this week Room 10 did a math problem. Here is my work:

Thursday 30 September 2021

Tuvaluan and Russian Numbers

 Today I did a presentation to demonstrate and learn Tuvaluan Numbers. I also decided to add Russian numbers to the presentation, because Russian is my country's language. Anyways, Here is my work:

Tuesday 28 September 2021

What to do when you have a suspicious comment?

Today for Cybersmart Room 10 did a presentation to teach not to respond to suspicious comments.

Here is My work:

Tuesday 21 September 2021

"Fun" poster - Cybersmart

 Today Room 10 did a poster where we added out face to a celebrity picture. Here is my work:

Term 3 Week 9 Tuesday Math

 Today Room 10 used translation and rotation of shapes to create an animal. Here is my work:

Thursday 16 September 2021

Maori Art Challenge

 Today I did my Maori Art challenge, here is my work:

Finding and recognizing scams-Cybersmart

 Today Room 10 did a cybersmart presentation where we had to recognize scams. Here is my work: